In 2014, Spider-Man was named the first Super Hero ambassador for Earth Hour, the global movement organized by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature). Earth Hour inspires individuals to use their power to become Super Heroes for the planet. Earth Hour’s famous "lights out" event has grown to involve hundreds of millions of people from more than 7,000 cities and towns in 162 countries.

In 2014, Spider-Man was named the first Super Hero ambassador for Earth Hour, the global movement organized by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature). Earth Hour inspires individuals to use their power to become Super Heroes for the planet. Earth Hour’s famous "lights out" event has grown to involve hundreds of millions of people from more than 7,000 cities and towns in 162 countries.

Earth Hour and Spider-Man – along with the stars of The Amazing Spider-Man™ 2, Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx and director Marc Webb – also participated in Earth Hour Blue, which raised funds for on-the-ground environmental projects from across the world. Andrew, Emma, Jamie and Marc each supported an individual Earth Hour Blue project.

Sony employees showed their support too - powering down over 150 Sony buildings and stores, spreading the message about Earth Hour on social media, and informing Sony store and online customers about ways to get involved.

Earth Hour and its Super Hero ambassador Spider-Man remind us that anyone can be a Super Hero for the planet and that "with great power comes great responsibility."